Tax consulting

Tax Consultancy InterEco
We provide complex tax consulting services. We will be happy to provide you with a consultation of your situation. Tax consultancy at InterEco Services is provided by professional tax advisors. InterEco Services is also registered as a legal entity providing tax advice in the KDPČR list and is legally insured by law for liability for damages. We deal not only with common questions but also with complex transactions. For example, we can ensure tax and accounting for a business transfer between two states within the EU, charging VAT under a special regime, exporting a foreign investment unit or tax optimization within the group.
How to work together
We are available to you by phone and electronically. However, regular contact is ideal in order to accurately and correctly define your goals and find the best possible solution. We also provide regular accounting supervision to prevent discrepancies in your company's tax agenda. We will make also all tax reports for you, and file it to relevant tax authority.
Who do we work for with
In the field of tax consultancy we cooperate most often with large and medium-sized companies. But small businesses and tradesmen are no exception. Contact us and we can discuss the possibilities of cooperation.
What types of tax reports we provide
We will be happy to provide you with the following tax reports, we can also provide postponement of certain tax payment:
- income tax
- value added tax
- property taxes
- employee taxes
We represent clients in front of the tax authority
Negotiations with authorities can sometimes overburden you. We provide our clients with the possibility of full representation (based on a power of attorney) when dealing with the tax authority. This will save you a lot of time and worries. At the same time, you are sure that you are being represented by an experienced specialist in required matters.